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Welcome to Lakeview Dog Park

Help us fund the park!

Aerial Site Map compressed_edited.jpg

Tile Program

Sponsor a tile - Donate $1,000 and design your tile! Learn more or make a gift at Polar Engraving, our tile partner site!

Tile example - monochrome picture of dog with text: In Honor of "Chase" The Goodest Boy Keep Chasing Ducks!
An example of what a tile wall would look like.
Tile wall. Text reads: Creswell Library -- Thank You


Donate any amount you'd like - every bit helps! In addition, donors who have given at least $1,000 will receive a tile in the Lakeview Dog Park.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We'll have a brass plaque recognizing large donors, along with a tile on the wall and opportunities to sponsor features in the park, along with a name plate and QR code to your business or organization.

For tax purposes, Lakeview Dog Park, Inc. NFP (EIN: 84-2161284), is organized as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation and has received federal tax exempt status pursuant to Section 501(c)(3). Your charitable donation is tax exempt to the full extent allowed by law.

$625k raised!

If you're interested in donating larger amounts, please reach out to us at to discuss alternate giving and sponsorship options.


Sign up for our monthly updates

The Lakeview Dog Park referendum passed with over 80% support on the ballot for the Nov 8, 2022 general election, winning every single precinct!   Since that time, we have worked closely with Alderman Bennett Lawson, our other elected officials, and the Park District to make Lakeview Dog Park a reality.   Engineering has already started, and we have over $600K committed in a mix of public and private funding, including $100K from the Alderman's menu money funds.
















Benefits of a dog park include:

  • Reduce congestion and collisions on area sidewalks and running/biking trails

  • Corral dogs in a fenced location where they are not disturbing other areas and users of the park

  • Provide a safe, fenced area with a water source for owners to exercise and socialize their dogs

  • Reduce incidence of unclaimed pet waste in the public way


Please lend your support to help us make this happen! Thank you!


Lakeview Dog Park Council & Friends



We are always looking for help from the community. There are plenty of ways to donate your time to the cause. Currently we need help with:

  • Fundraising

  • Park Design

  • Community Engagement


If you are interested, send us an E-mail.

Dog head with email address.jpeg

Become a Sponsor

If you or someone you know would be interested in a corporate sponsorship of the park, we would love to hear from you.


Please send us an E-mail.


Follow us on social media

  • Facebook

© 2022 by Lakeview Dog Park Council


Logo design by:


Pim Chayutkul 

Art Director + Graphic Designer

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